Now Yanna can see the music
A talented pianist’s search for help to see the music In this blog, we look at how a talented and inspiring Pianist was helped by
It’s ME Awareness week
M.E. (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) is a term that is frequently used interchangeably or in conjunction with the term Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). It is a condition
#SeeTheMusic and More – Glaucoma, the silent thief of sight
Eye conditions and the performing arts professional Being the only performing arts eye care specialist in the UK as well as the only optician registered
‘See The Best’ – Award winning eyecare in Meltham, Greenfield and now Marsden
A brand new practice arrives in the heart of Marsden We are thrilled to announce that our brand new practice opened last Saturday in the
Guest blog by pianist Norma Wilson
Norma Wilson is a pianist and flautist from the West Country. She first visited Allegro Optical in 2020 and has since collaborated with us on
#SeeTheMusic and More -Floaters and Flashes, what are they and should you worry?
A floater is a small spot in your vision that is caused by tiny particles of collagen or protein that form in the jelly-like substance in the centre of the eye
#SeeTheMusic and More – Dry eye, it’s a blinking nuisance
Dry eye disorders and the performing arts professional Being the UK’s only performing arts eye care specialists and the only optician registered with the British
Post COVID-19 Eye Exam Upgrade
Private Vs NHS – Many people are eligible for free NHS sight tests, but the question is which one is better private or NHS
#SeeTheMusic and More – Cataracts, are they clouding your performance?
Being the UK’s only performing arts eye care specialists and the only optician registered with the British Association For Performing Arts Medicine