#SeeTheMusic and More -Floaters and Flashes, what are they and should you worry?

Eye conditions and the performing arts professional

Because we are the only performing arts eye care specialist in the UK and the only optician registered with BAPAM, we understand how eye conditions can negatively impact a performer’s career.

Performing arts professionals, such as musicians, dancers, singers, presenters, camera operators, sound engineers, and video technicians, have all benefited from our assistance to see the music.

We are all likely to encounter vision problems at some point in our lives. Most of these problems are caused by refractive errors, which affect the way the eyes focus light, rather than a condition or illness affecting the eye. Even so, many of us could be affected by eye conditions. In this series of blogs, we examine common eye conditions experienced by performing arts professionals.

Floaters – What are they?

In today’s blog we are looking at two common vision complaints, Floaters. When performing on stage under bright lights, floaters and flashes can be especially bothersome. Many of our clients comment that they see floaters, but what exactly is a floater? 

A “floater” is a small spot in your vision that is caused by tiny particles of collagen or protein that form in the jelly-like substance in the centre of the eye. When the jelly-like substance in the eyeball (known as the vitreous gel) changes, shrinks, or becomes more liquid, it causes eye flashes and floaters. The optometrist may sometimes refer to this as posterior vitreous detachment, and it is a regular occurrence as we become older (PVD).

When we see a floater, we are actually seeing the shadow cast on the retina, not the floater itself. As the vitreous diminishes, the gel-like substance becomes stringy, casting shadows on the retina and causing floaters to appear in our field of vision. The retina is a thin layer located at the back of the eye. This layer converts light energy into electrical signals, which are then transmitted to your brain and processed to produce the images we see (our vision).

Floaters come in a variety of shapes and sizes: some are light, others are dark, some are chunky, and still others are stringy. When we try to look at them directly, they appear to dart away from our field of vision. Floaters are more visible when viewed against a bright plain background and on their own are rarely something to worry about. Floaters are much more common than flashes. 

Floaters are common and, in most cases, pose little risk to our vision or eyesight. They usually do not require treatment, but they might occasionally be a symptom of retinal detachment, which is a more serious problem that necessitates medical attention. When the vitreous, which is shrinking, drags on the retina, drawing it away from the back of the eye and effectively tearing it, retinal detachment occurs. Because retinal detachment can permanently damage your vision, it is best to have your eyes checked as soon as possible rather than ignoring the problem and risking vision impairment.

Blurred vision, pain in your eye, a sudden increase in floaters or flashes, the sudden appearance of floaters or flashes, a decline in your central vision, or shading of vision are all signs of a more serious problem.

Why the flashes?

Flashing lights or lightning streaks may appear when the vitreous gel in our eyes pulls on the retina. After being hit in the eye or on the head, many people describe this sensation as seeing “stars.” These light flashes can happen on and off for weeks or months.

Eye flashes appear in our field of vision as dots or pinpricks of light. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, some of which are wavy, others jagged, and still others which resemble shooting stars.

It is common to see brief flashes of light, and in many cases, there is no cause for alarm. We recommend that anyone experiencing frequent, persistent, or increasing occurrences of eye flashers see an optometrist as soon as possible.

Flashes can occur as a result of the following conditions:

  • Ageing – Causes the vitreous to shrink or change, resulting in flashes of light. The likelihood of seeing light flashes increases with age.
  • Pressure on the retina – Rubbing your eyes too hard or being struck in the eye can cause the vitreous to bump the retina, resulting in eye flashers.
  • Migraine – A migraine can cause vision problems. As part of a migraine, you may experience glinting lights, dots, sparkles, and flashes of light.

Is it a Serious Issue to Have Eye Flashes?

Given how important our vision is to us, it’s natural for us to wonder if our vision is in danger when we see a flash of light in our eye. While many cases of eye flashes are considered normal, they can also be the result of a serious retinal condition.

Tear or Detachment of the Retina

In rare cases, the vitreous can pull the retina so hard that it tears, causing it to peel from its position at the back of the eye. Flashers can be caused by a torn or detached retina.

The sudden onset of new eye flashers, persistent flashers, a floater shower, and flashes of light accompanied by blurry vision are all indications that an optometrist should be seen as soon as possible. To avoid blindness or partial vision loss, retinal surgery or other interventions may be required.

In Summary

The optometrists at Allegro Optical have the technology, facilities, including our fantastic 3D OCT eye scanners, and experience to determine if your eye flashers are serious. Early detection and treatment are critical for preserving your vision, eye health, and performing arts career.

As the UK’s only specialist Performing Arts eye care provider we understand more than most just how much dry eye conditions can impact a performer’s career and everyday life. 

Our optical specialists understand the demands of professional musicians and performing arts professionals. Working in collaboration with our dispensing opticians and optometrists, we are able to assist musicians. It is surprising how many musicians are unaware of the many solutions available to them. 

With the precision of our performing arts eye exams, the expertise of our optometrists and dispensing opticians using cutting edge diagnostic equipment and dispensing procedures our unique approach can help to resolve performing arts practitioners’ vision problems. 

If you are suffering from any of the symptoms mentioned above or have any of the symptoms described then please speak to one of our staff.  To book an appointment or find out more about our exclusive dry eye programme, Call us today and speak to a member of our team. 

Contact: To find out more about Allegro Optical, the musicians’ opticians go to; https://allegrooptical.co.uk/services/musicians-optical-services/

AMD and the performing artist

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