Nouvelle “Entente Cordiale” lorsqu’Agnès, joueuse de cornemuse, cherche du côté de Saddleworth et Holmfirth pour résoudre ses problèmes de vue.

Un bon nombre de musiciens dépités nous contactent par téléphones et quelques-uns sur notre site Internet. À l’occasion, une requête nous donne à réfléchir, ce qui a bien été le cas quand Agnès Lefèbvre, enseignante de cornemuse à Paris, nous a contactés. Agnès nous a expliqué qu’elle avait de sérieuses difficultés à fixer son regard […]

Tony was getting “Brassed Off” when he couldn’t see the music

The inability to see the music left trombonist “brassed off” If ever we discover the meaning of life, we’re fairly certain that in our case it will involve music. So just imagine if music has always been a big part of your life. How you would feel if that gift were threatened. Tony Spencer of […]

Angelo gets his eye back

Geneva Instruments’ Angelo Bearpark get’s his eyes back Just imagine having a passion in life and it is under threat, all because your eyesight is failing. You’ve spent your whole life pursuing something you love, honing your skill until you’re at the top of your game. Then disaster strikes, you begin to have problems seeing […]

Clearly Harping on

Meltham’s Musician’s Optician It wasn’t long after we had opened our practice in Meltham, near Huddersfield and Holmfirth, that Rhian Evans walked through our door. A friend had told her about our new optician practice and that we specialised in helping musicians. Professional Harpist Rhian explained that she had been experiencing focusing problems when performing. It is […]

New glasses hit the right note

We can see a bright future for this young cornet player On this very wet September day, summer is now nothing but a memory. The kids are now all back at school and Autumn is with us, with the leaves turning to those beautiful reds and oranges. The beginning of the Autumn term is always […]

Music to our ears and eyes

Xanthe has fun with our new piano If you haven’t heard Allegro Optical has a new piece of kit in our test room and I’m rather excited to have a go with it. If you, in fact, haven’t heard (you must be living under a rock if you haven’t) we’ve got a piano! Yes, you […]

Seeing the dots

Whit Friday Marches The fabulous spectacle that is the Whit Friday Brass Band competition, looms large on the 9th June and we have had quite a few new customers for our musicians’ glasses. These are to help musicians cope with the different distances required during playing and marching. As we get older, our eyes are […]

Making a Spectacle

We offer a dispensing optician service in both our practices in Greenfield, Saddleworth and Meltham, Holmfirth. Simply bring your spectacle prescription to us to see the amazing savings we can offer. At Allegro Optical  we can offer savings of up to 70% on high street prices. Alternatively, we give you the opportunity to get a Free second pair, […]

Cello good.

Fiona Mayo BA(Hons) Dip Mus, LRSM, LTCL, is a Cellist and Cello teacher. Like many mature musicians, she was struggling with the effects of presbyopia. Sight reading was a problem as was focusing on the music on the stand. She was also having problems seeing the music when teaching, as she uses a shared music […]

Music, food for the brain by Sheryl Doe

Music is food for the brain Did you know that playing music can actually improve memory and coordination and that this can actually alter your brain’s structure? It is well known that School children who study music are more likely to perform much better in non-music subjects. Later Life Also, did you know that taking […]