Helping leading brass player Steve Ridler to See The Music and more

When Steve Ridler contacted us, he had recently been to his local high street optical chain optician and was somewhat disappointed with the glasses he was prescribed. He had taken his music stand to the eye exam appointment with him, along with some sheet music. Steve had told his Optician where he needed his music […]

Guest blog by pianist Norma Wilson

Norma Wilson is a pianist and flautist from the West Country. She first visited Allegro Optical in 2020 and has since collaborated with us on several projects including The RSM & BAPAM, Sustaining A Career Into Old Age podcast.  In this blog, Norma talks about how Wet Macular Degeneration has impacted her career and how […]

Audrey Hepburn or Mr T – Why I love bling

Xanthe's frame of the month

To bling or not to bling – Now there’s a question I personally love a bit of bling, but let’s be honest who doesn’t? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not going all out Mr T, (now there is a man who likes his bling!),  but I do enjoy the odd sparkly earrings and blingy necklaces […]

Glitz, Glam and Huge Knickers by Xanthe Doe

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! It’s the most wonderful time of the year! The festive party season is in full swing and many of us are desperately searching for that perfect dress, shimmering shoes, and beguiling bags. All so we can look absolutely fabulous at the works Christmas party. Plus making sure […]

A spectacular Clarinet and Baritone Duo thanks to Specialist Musicians Glasses

Specialist musicians glasses help a very musical couple In this blog we look at how Specialist musicians glasses have helped a very talented musical couple. It’s no secret that at Allegro Optical we love music. Music and Optics are our two great passions, and we love meeting people who share our passion. Especially when we get […]

A very specific problem for a Trombonist who just wanted to see the music

Graham just wanted to see the music At Allegro Optical we love helping musicians to see the music and we relish a challenge.  Trombonist Graham Palmer from Wiltshire laid down a very specific challenge for us. Graham told us that he was noticing that the staves on his sheet music were merging into each other. […]

Now Peter really is Mr Bass Man thanks to his specialist musicians glasses

EEb Bass Player Peter plays in Mono It’s always nice to catch up with a musical friend and EEb Bass player Peter Minshull from Cheshire has become just that. Having visited Allegro Optical in the past and being one of our early clients purchasing a pair of specialist musicians glasses. It was lovely to see […]

Christmas fashion and style in Greenfield, Saddleworth and Meltham, Holmfirth

Christmas fashion and style in Meltham and Saddleworth The big day is nearly here and you’re invited to an evening of Christmas fashion and style in Meltham and Saddleworth. Are you a last minute Christmas shopper, trying to get something for everyone a week before the big day? Or, have you not only bought, but actually […]