What will you be doing this National Eye Health Week?
With National Eye Health Week this month, we ask why we should look after our eyes. Many people fear losing their vision but take very little care of their eyes. Changing this is the goal of National Eye Health Week. It’s common knowledge that eye health is important, but sometimes we need a little nudge […]
The Times They Are a-Changin’ as Elizabeth Holmes joins the Allegro Optical Optometry team
Elizabeth Holmes joins the Allegro Optical team As Bob Dylan famously sang, “The Times They Are a-Changin’” and that is certainly true here at the Musicians’ Optician. No one could deny what a turbulent few months we’ve all experienced. The team has kept incredibly busy throughout the pandemic. As a result, we have needed more […]
We are open as normal in Tier 4 (Greenfield) and Tier 3 (Meltham)
Following today’s COVID-19 review the Government has confirmed that “As health care providers and essential businesses with safe and appropriate Infection Prevention and Control measures already in place, community optometry practices are exempt from the protection measures in all tiers and can therefore remain open and provide a full range of services”. This means we […]
PPE explained – Ozone in the ‘Zone’
Why we are investing in client safety Coronavirus and the COVID-19 disease has impacted all our lives. First appearing in China in December 2019, coronavirus has spread rapidly across the globe. No disease in recent times has impacted public health and the economy more rapidly and in such a dramatic way than coronavirus. In the […]
Square eyes and sharp notes
Do you have square eyes? “You’ll get square eyes” My Mum would shout, whenever I was late for a meal. Growing up in the late 70s, early 80s, I was one of the first generations of gamers. I spent long periods of time playing space invaders and my personal favourite, Brian Bloodaxe. Many hours were […]