Best of British, Open

In spite of the sad news of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s passing, there has still been a small, but respectful, celebration at Allegro Optical, The Musicians’ Optician. Practice Manager James Brooks, who plays for “The World famous Brighouse and Rastrick Brass Band”, has been celebrating his band’s win at the 168th British Open […]

Promoting Performers Eye Health

Performers’ visual challenges In July some members of the Allegro Optical team travelled to the Department of Music at the University of York to co-host a networking and knowledge exchange event. The aims of the seminar were to raise awareness of the visual challenges faced by performing artists. Delegates discussed the specific visual requirements of […]

Our James talks about life at Brighouse & Rastrick

Q: Hi James, What is your current role here at Allegro Optical? A: My current role with Allegro Optical is as an Assistant Optical Manager. As we are a business that is growing rapidly, I find myself turning my hand to many different aspects of the business. I am really enjoying learning the ins and […]

“It’s not always just about refraction”

Allegro Optical is making a name for itself as the “Musicians Optician” Specialising in performing arts eye care, the group is the nation’s largest optician dedicated to providing better vision for performers. The eyecare professionals working at Allegro Optical are dedicated to improving the lives of performing artists affected by deteriorating vision.  Millions of musicians […]

Visual Health and Performing Arts

As the UK’s only BAPAM registered performing arts specialist optician, we are often asked what’s so special about musicians’ eyes? The simple answer is nothing, they are no different to that of a pilot, plumber or podiatrist. However, the way performance artists use their eyes is. Performance artists have specific eye care needs: for example, […]

#SeeTheMusic and More – Astigmatism and the performer

Astigmatism and the performing arts professional Being the UK’s only eye care specialists who work in the performing arts, we understand first-hand how eye disorders and refractive errors can negatively impact a career. This blog series aims to highlight common eye conditions that performers encounter. Musicians, presenters, dancers, camera operators, sound technicians and singers are […]

#SeeTheMusic and More – Myopia and performing artists

Myopia and the performing arts professional In response to our Webinar with BAPAM and the Royal Society of Musicians of Great Britain on the subject of sustaining musical careers, we have decided to post a series of blogs focusing on performing arts eye care.  As the UK’s only performing arts eye care specialists, we know […]

We are open as normal in Tier 4 (Greenfield) and Tier 3 (Meltham)

Allegro Optical Staff in PPE masks

Following today’s COVID-19 review the Government has confirmed that “As health care providers and essential businesses with safe and appropriate Infection Prevention and Control measures already in place, community optometry practices are exempt from the protection measures in all tiers and can therefore remain open and provide a full range of services”. This means we […]

PPE explained – Ozone in the ‘Zone’

Allegro Covid-19-response - o zone generators

Why we are investing in client safety Coronavirus and the COVID-19 disease has impacted all our lives. First appearing in China in December 2019, coronavirus has spread rapidly across the globe. No disease in recent times has impacted public health and the economy more rapidly and in such a dramatic way than coronavirus.  In the […]